Where on Google Earth #216

Here’s my second contribution to the “Where on Google Earth” challenge. This is an easy one to find. My homework constraints prevented me from doing anything more challenging. As such I am employing the Schott Rule, which states that you must wait one hour for every WoGE you’ve won prior to posting your answer. Answer must include a brief run down of the geology of the area. The winner then will continue on the tradition by hosting the next “Where on Google Earth” challenge on their blog. When the new one is ready be sure to link it in the comments section of this WoGE so we have can link it with the previous challenges.  Good luck!


6 thoughts on “Where on Google Earth #216

  1. I guess my previous answer got spam-flagged for abuse of the English language so here is a more civilized attempt:

    We are looking at 21.2S, 119.2E, ~3.2Ga rocks on a portion of the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia. Specifically the Sulphur Springs massive sulfide deposit which bears filamentous structures that may be among the oldest known hydrothermal organisms.

    • Congratulations! That’s the answer I was going for. As is tradition with “Where on Google Earth” it’s now your turn to post the next image on your blog. Be sure to link in the comments section of this post when the new challenge goes up so we can keep them all linked. Out of curiosity, are you on Twitter? We keep the game going through Twitter to let other geotweeps know when the new one is up.

  2. Pingback: Where on Google Earth #217 « microecos

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